GPS triggered challenges, photo and video challenges at great locations.
Go Hunt is a tablet-based GPS treasure hunt powered by Go Team. Installed on tablets, the Go Team app features a unique follow arrow that helps guide teams to their waypoints. Once members arrive at their destination, GPS-triggered challenges are issued to the teams in the form of questions, clues, and pictures that they will work on together to complete. Updates, feedback and scores are kept in real-time as teams progress through their amazing race. Back at home base, each team is monitored and can receive bonus missions at key points in their adventure.
The creative platform caters to all abilities and terrain types. Go Hunt participants can be challenged to take on bustling cities, rough paths, wooded areas or even bodies of water. Go Hunt can accommodate any number of teams, generating equal distances and routes for each challenge; this avoids crowding at sensitive locations and keeps members away from possible danger zones.
Go Team - Treasure Hunt is well know for its ability to facilitate improved communication in the group as it encourages open communication and discussion. It improves relationships and in turn the quality of work produced. Go Hunt also motivates employees by creating a level playing field where everyone is free to express their ideas and opinions and ultimately motivating them to take on new challenges. Go Hunt takes teams outside their normal work environment and encourages them to think creatively. Working with others who they may not normally work with breaks down barriers and builds trust factors between employees and inspires creativity and fresh thinking.
The challenges in Go Hunt ensure that participants develop problem solving skills. Teams learn that failure can lead to success as they modify the way they approach a challenge, thinking rationally and strategically to change and improve their process.
Go Team is a stimulating and fun outdoor activity with the aim of strength the team working skill.
Delegates from Asia on a Dubai Tourism Study Mission use Go Team to explore Dubai.